Answers exercises. Advertising Graphics.

Page 12
Ex 1 
1. Straightening, cropping, cloning, sharpening, and blurring are some changes that can be made to a photograph.
2. Many picutres can be viewed at once by creating thumbnails of the pictures.

Ex 2
1. to cover unwanted areas
2. Sharpen image
3. to reduce red eye
4. to see all images at once

Ex 3
1 G  2 C  3 A  4 D  5 E  6 B  7 H  8 F

Ex 4
1. sharpened  2. scaling  3 clone  4 recompose  5 red eye

Ex 5
Someone might want to blur a photograph to hide unattractive details, such as blemished or shiny skin.
